After years and years of waiting, Leonardo DiCaprio has finally claimed his first Oscar for his role in the 2015 film The Renevant.
Personally, I've never been much of a big Leo fan, which is a bit odd considering how big of a film buff I am. My favorite film I have seen him in would have to be Gangs of New York, where he costarred with Daniel Day Lewis, the man, the myth, the legend. I felt that Leo may have been robbed of an Oscar there, although I did enjoy Lewis' role more.
Aside from that film, and The Departed, I've always thought Leo played the same playboy rich guy role (The Great Gatsby, Romeo and Juliet, The Wolf on Wall Street). Inception was a pleasant surprise. However, I hardly thought his role in that was Oscar worthy.
With that being said, a few mates of mine convinced me to do some digging. I recently watched What's eating Gilbert Grape, and The Aviator. I was blown away by his performance in both of those (Shutter Island was also a great film of his by the way). After watching those two films I looked at Leo as a different actor. I highly recommend watching those.
Furthermore, his latest role in The Renevant, was also mesmerizing to witness on the big screen. I look forward to seeing him in more films, and I'm sure I speak for everyone that has seen most of his films, that it is about he added one of those shiny metal men to his shelf.
Monday, 29 February 2016
Sunday, 28 February 2016
In spite of otm parties not really being my thing, I thought one more go at it would be a better alternative to spending my weekend alone.
So, just for fun, I'm documenting how the night unfolds. 2.5 hours in counting until the party starts, and I've downed two energy drinks already (caffeine as a substitute for alcohol, as I'm taking a break from drinking).
In recent news, I lost miserably 5 times in a row to Paul in pool. I swear that man has some sort of magnet hidden in his cue stick.
40 minutes... I think im gonna head downstairs. I've been charging my phone for the past 45 minutes in the student union, honing my pool skills on their crap table.... 84%; should suffice I guess.
2156: Just met a drunk Frenchman, bought me my first drink of the night: a red bull.
2209: Decided to have a smoke. Still dead at the otm right now.
A guy walked out with coffee for security. I went in to check if the machine was still on, and Paul tells me it's only for security.
Finished smoking my cigarillo, listened to a security guy talk about a drunk guy pissing out the window of the community minibus he was driving.
2233: Time for a J2O.
2245: I find Rog at the bar, get his take on my idea to record the night's events. He suggests I download periscope, which allows me to live stream everything taking place....hmmmm....I think he's on to something.
2258: The caffeine seems to be having the reverse effect. I'm feeling rather drowsy, the party hasn't even begun. "Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader"...
2312: Seriously considering a nap right now. " I wanna rock with somebody "...
2322: One red bull is not enough. Two sounds good.
2351: At the dance floor, waiting for the turning to happen.
0009: I reckon I've pissed about 12 times already. The turning has begun. Also, another cigarillo bekons me.
0031: 66% on my phone battery.
0034: Turnt.
"Who run the world? Girls."...
Another red bull...
0100: TURNT.
0118: Another J2O. Another smoke.
0140: silento----> Trap queen
0200: We found love in a hopeless place.
0203: too turnt, need another smoke break.
0225: Took a detour upstairs to the pool table.
0250: Back to the dance floor.
0313: *Phew* My feet are aching, I'm tired, and I think I'm done for the night. Almost made it to 4.
But....I had loads of fun.
Peace out...
So, just for fun, I'm documenting how the night unfolds. 2.5 hours in counting until the party starts, and I've downed two energy drinks already (caffeine as a substitute for alcohol, as I'm taking a break from drinking).
In recent news, I lost miserably 5 times in a row to Paul in pool. I swear that man has some sort of magnet hidden in his cue stick.
40 minutes... I think im gonna head downstairs. I've been charging my phone for the past 45 minutes in the student union, honing my pool skills on their crap table.... 84%; should suffice I guess.
2156: Just met a drunk Frenchman, bought me my first drink of the night: a red bull.
2209: Decided to have a smoke. Still dead at the otm right now.
A guy walked out with coffee for security. I went in to check if the machine was still on, and Paul tells me it's only for security.
Finished smoking my cigarillo, listened to a security guy talk about a drunk guy pissing out the window of the community minibus he was driving.
2233: Time for a J2O.
2245: I find Rog at the bar, get his take on my idea to record the night's events. He suggests I download periscope, which allows me to live stream everything taking place....hmmmm....I think he's on to something.
2258: The caffeine seems to be having the reverse effect. I'm feeling rather drowsy, the party hasn't even begun. "Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader"...
2312: Seriously considering a nap right now. " I wanna rock with somebody "...
2322: One red bull is not enough. Two sounds good.
2351: At the dance floor, waiting for the turning to happen.
0009: I reckon I've pissed about 12 times already. The turning has begun. Also, another cigarillo bekons me.
0031: 66% on my phone battery.
0034: Turnt.
"Who run the world? Girls."...
Another red bull...
0100: TURNT.
0118: Another J2O. Another smoke.
0140: silento----> Trap queen
0200: We found love in a hopeless place.
0203: too turnt, need another smoke break.
0225: Took a detour upstairs to the pool table.
0250: Back to the dance floor.
0313: *Phew* My feet are aching, I'm tired, and I think I'm done for the night. Almost made it to 4.
But....I had loads of fun.
Peace out...
Thursday, 25 February 2016
Since the late 18th century american citizens have taken part in presidential elections, choosing a candidate that they have deemed will be the best leader for the nation. Between George Washington and Barack Hussein Obama, 44 men have taken up the reigns as Commander in Chief of the United States of America. Becoming arguably the most powerful man in he world obviously doesn't happen over night. There is a lot of campaigning, debating, speaking, and "woo-ing" of american citizens. I find this whole election process to be quite comical and amusing. Whenever I think that it couldn't possibly get more hysterical, next year's election comes along to prove me wrong. One thing does however remain constant with each new election, and that is the format it follows.
The format is such: 1) Announce presidential candidacy and running mate (the assumption is that you have already chosen your sponsors and endorsements; it is common knowledge that campaigning is quite a costly affair, and normally the candidate with the deepest pockets will see the most success (the present election has a prime example in the form of Republican forerunner Donald Trump), 2) Decide which groups/organisations of people you will support (it's impossible to please everyone), 3) Create a plan you will offer to the people if elected, 4) Identify your opponents and their offers/plans/visions for America, 5) dig up all of your opponents' dirty secrets (can be unrelated to the election) that will make people question the moral character of the opposition and/or ability to lead the country, 5) engage in public debates with opponents,every time an opponent publicly castigates you, make sure you are smiling, making sure to keep your composure, and confidently wag a finger or hand as if to coolly dismiss the accusation (it is essential to have a quick rebuttal at the ready; simply saying he/she is wrong will not be sufficient and will subsequently convey your not-so-subtle ignorance), 6) select the locations you will visit to rally for support (be careful to choose one's your campaign will benefit from, and that won't put an unnecessary dent in your wallet), and lastly 7) because verbal abuse isn't enough by itself, make a video segment attacking your opponents' inadequacies to make yourself look better; put the video on the tele.
Of course there is more to it than this, but these are trends I have noticed without putting forth much effort.
What is very amusing to me are the debates between candidates. Reminiscent of kindergarten, full grown men and women strap on their toddler outfits and have a scuffle. "So-and-So's plan is so messed up! Don't trust his empty promises! As a senator so-and-so promised to do such-and-such but didn't!" to which Senator so-and-so then replies saying "Mr. what's-his-name's ignorance is mind-blowing. And just last year he raped three women! Thus he would be a terrible President"; Non-sequitur after non-sequitur, jargon and more jargon, in a vain attempt to give off the appearance of intelligence,
Even more hysterical to me are the third-party candidates running for nomination that people rarely hear about. Many even change their names, or right something ridiculous down at registration. Take this year for instance, when there was a candidate running under the name "deez nuts". A viral video was posted online recently local news channel discussing recent polls in North Carolina mention "Deez nuts" now as 9% of the votes in the state for the republican nominees. That stuff cracks me up.
Personally, I prefer not to vote. Every candidate has his/her share of skeletons in the closest, flaws that would be a detriment in leading a nation; there is no such thing as a perfect leader. Especially in regards to this year's election, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for being responsible for putting anyone in office. Moreover, my vote is insignificant in deciding anything (to which one might say, "Hey, don't think like that! Imagine if everyone thought that way. Democracy would cease to exist!" to which I would then reply "Imagine if everyone didn't think that way. Oh wait, my bad, they don't.")
Nevertheless, at one point in the near future President Obama will step out of the office and someone else will be there to take up the torch. I'm going to close my eyes, say a prayer, and hope for the best--and stay in the U.K. for as long as humanly possible.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Stress Relievers
There are just days when each and every one of us are overcome by excess amounts of stress. Our minds become clouded with things we must tend to during our day, or during the week, as well as with personal problems we are dealing with. Stress is an inevitable part of life. Every one of us have our own ways of dealing with the stress we face.
As for me, I normally deal with stress in one of two ways (normally both). The first way I deal with stress I am dealing with is to get a nice, 45 minute-hour long workout in. A workout for me means I generally do 15-30 minutes of intense cardio, followed by 30-45 minutes of weightlifting and machines.
My goal is to exhaust my body, to bring on the pain (after all, no pain no gain, right?). Whatever has my mind preoccupied at the moment (which nowadays contains very sad notes), I actually tend to focus on as I work out. I think in general people try to forget what is bothering them. While this can be helpful, at some point in time whatever is bothering you must be addressed and dealt with, solved, and then subsequently forgotten about. I tend to focus on what is bothering me, and run on the treadmill or bike, pushing my heart rate to the red zone (180-200 beats per minute).
Then I walk to the weight room and repeat the process. Switching between different machines and weights, different exercises. I normally do 3-4 sets of 10 -12 or so reps, focusing on the range of motion in my muscles. The soreness is satisfying. I channel my thoughts on my problem, and lift until I experience what is known as "the pump" when the blood has pumped to and filled up your muscles that you are exercising, making them tight, and hard. The sensation is therapeutic for me. To an extent, what I do in the gym might be equated to an angry person wanting to take out their anger with a punching bag, as opposed to punching whomever has made them feel a certain way (Granted, I seldom think of punching people as I work out, but rather lifting away my worries, fears, and concerns, at least for short period of time).
The next way I deal with stress is to listen to music. Most often these days I enjoy listening to background acoustic music using the PC app called "Spotify". It relaxes me, and I work on class work as I listen, thinking about the problems stressing me out in the process. Listening to music is a common method for calming nerves, channeling positive energy, and working to resolve your problems.
Whatever the case my be, stressful situations will make you stronger when you reach the peak of the mountainous problem you find yourself facing. It is also essential to remember, always, that you can never control your circumstance; however, you can choose to face it with a positive attitude and a healthy mentality.
As for me, I normally deal with stress in one of two ways (normally both). The first way I deal with stress I am dealing with is to get a nice, 45 minute-hour long workout in. A workout for me means I generally do 15-30 minutes of intense cardio, followed by 30-45 minutes of weightlifting and machines.
My goal is to exhaust my body, to bring on the pain (after all, no pain no gain, right?). Whatever has my mind preoccupied at the moment (which nowadays contains very sad notes), I actually tend to focus on as I work out. I think in general people try to forget what is bothering them. While this can be helpful, at some point in time whatever is bothering you must be addressed and dealt with, solved, and then subsequently forgotten about. I tend to focus on what is bothering me, and run on the treadmill or bike, pushing my heart rate to the red zone (180-200 beats per minute).
Then I walk to the weight room and repeat the process. Switching between different machines and weights, different exercises. I normally do 3-4 sets of 10 -12 or so reps, focusing on the range of motion in my muscles. The soreness is satisfying. I channel my thoughts on my problem, and lift until I experience what is known as "the pump" when the blood has pumped to and filled up your muscles that you are exercising, making them tight, and hard. The sensation is therapeutic for me. To an extent, what I do in the gym might be equated to an angry person wanting to take out their anger with a punching bag, as opposed to punching whomever has made them feel a certain way (Granted, I seldom think of punching people as I work out, but rather lifting away my worries, fears, and concerns, at least for short period of time).
The next way I deal with stress is to listen to music. Most often these days I enjoy listening to background acoustic music using the PC app called "Spotify". It relaxes me, and I work on class work as I listen, thinking about the problems stressing me out in the process. Listening to music is a common method for calming nerves, channeling positive energy, and working to resolve your problems.
Whatever the case my be, stressful situations will make you stronger when you reach the peak of the mountainous problem you find yourself facing. It is also essential to remember, always, that you can never control your circumstance; however, you can choose to face it with a positive attitude and a healthy mentality.
Friday, 19 February 2016
First, love yourself
Confessions of a depressed guy, day number whatever:
So, I'm at a party at the moment, its 1:46 in the morning. This is my 4th time out in 3 weeks. I'm as sober as they come at the moment, and I've been doing some serious thinking, as I sit here watching people dance, the strobe lights flickering all over the place.
Parties have never really been my thing. I'm far too self conscious to really enjoy myself. Nevertheless, in my current state, I thought it best to get myself out there, try to meet new people, and have a good time. Needless to say, it hasn't done much for me.
It doesn't suit me. The dancing, grinding, drinking. I feel out of place. I'm too concerned with my self image. Too concerned with blending in, but feeling as if I'm always falling short of people's expectations.
The reality is--it's impossible to meet everyone's standards. You will always fall short of expectations. That's simply life in a nutshell.
In spite of that fact, you need to be comfortable with yourself. You need to love who you are, and be the best you that you can be. Don't change who you are to make please others. Life cannot possibly be enjoyed to the fullest unless you love who you are. And I should know, in my current state, that there will be people down the road who appreciate you, who want to spend time with you, be your friend.
Hold your head up, forget what others think, love yourself, and enjoy life in every moment.
So, I'm at a party at the moment, its 1:46 in the morning. This is my 4th time out in 3 weeks. I'm as sober as they come at the moment, and I've been doing some serious thinking, as I sit here watching people dance, the strobe lights flickering all over the place.
Parties have never really been my thing. I'm far too self conscious to really enjoy myself. Nevertheless, in my current state, I thought it best to get myself out there, try to meet new people, and have a good time. Needless to say, it hasn't done much for me.
It doesn't suit me. The dancing, grinding, drinking. I feel out of place. I'm too concerned with my self image. Too concerned with blending in, but feeling as if I'm always falling short of people's expectations.
The reality is--it's impossible to meet everyone's standards. You will always fall short of expectations. That's simply life in a nutshell.
In spite of that fact, you need to be comfortable with yourself. You need to love who you are, and be the best you that you can be. Don't change who you are to make please others. Life cannot possibly be enjoyed to the fullest unless you love who you are. And I should know, in my current state, that there will be people down the road who appreciate you, who want to spend time with you, be your friend.
Hold your head up, forget what others think, love yourself, and enjoy life in every moment.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Growing up
"You need to grow up!"
We've all heard it at more than one instance in our lives. Most often we've heard it from our parents, sometimes we might hear it from a friend or a teacher. Regardless, growing up is something we all must do eventually (provided you actually want to do something productive with your life).
But who is to say when a person has "grown up" or has become a "grown up"? There are things to be learned at any age and time in our lives, so in a sense, we never stop " growing up" (or, sadly, growing old for that matter). What is different for each of us is how fast we do our growig up. Each person is at a different stage of maturity, going through his/her own personal problems, trying to make it through the next roadblock life has thrown at them. It is essential as inherently compassionate, and sentient beings to recognise that fact; if we ever want to helped through our troubles, we must try to help others with their own, if we ever hope to have a kind act reciprocated. This is just one of the many important lessons in growing up.
Some of the most important things we can learn growing up are learned alone. I am going through quite an important phase right now in my life, a phase where I have spent a lot of time alone, doing a lot of reflecting, a lot of learning, and a whole lot of growing up. Specifically, I've made made the critical realisation, that living your life to please other people slows down your personal growth tremendously. In the end, there will always be people that you can't please. There will always be expectations that you can't reach. There will always be standards that you will never measure up to; only you know your own limits. Growing up means yourl start realising who you are, the potential you have to do great things, and setting out to accomplish those things, not for the sake of others, but for your own. You must first love yourself, and be comfortable in who you are; only then can one really begin to grow up.
Even so, it is absolutely critical to be weary of the unknown challenges others are facing in their own stages of growing up. Be considerate, be kind, and listen to others. The golden rule still holds true. I promise you life is a lot more enjoyable when you start learning these things.
But enough for now. Do you have some growing up to do? Get to it then!
We've all heard it at more than one instance in our lives. Most often we've heard it from our parents, sometimes we might hear it from a friend or a teacher. Regardless, growing up is something we all must do eventually (provided you actually want to do something productive with your life).
But who is to say when a person has "grown up" or has become a "grown up"? There are things to be learned at any age and time in our lives, so in a sense, we never stop " growing up" (or, sadly, growing old for that matter). What is different for each of us is how fast we do our growig up. Each person is at a different stage of maturity, going through his/her own personal problems, trying to make it through the next roadblock life has thrown at them. It is essential as inherently compassionate, and sentient beings to recognise that fact; if we ever want to helped through our troubles, we must try to help others with their own, if we ever hope to have a kind act reciprocated. This is just one of the many important lessons in growing up.
Some of the most important things we can learn growing up are learned alone. I am going through quite an important phase right now in my life, a phase where I have spent a lot of time alone, doing a lot of reflecting, a lot of learning, and a whole lot of growing up. Specifically, I've made made the critical realisation, that living your life to please other people slows down your personal growth tremendously. In the end, there will always be people that you can't please. There will always be expectations that you can't reach. There will always be standards that you will never measure up to; only you know your own limits. Growing up means yourl start realising who you are, the potential you have to do great things, and setting out to accomplish those things, not for the sake of others, but for your own. You must first love yourself, and be comfortable in who you are; only then can one really begin to grow up.
Even so, it is absolutely critical to be weary of the unknown challenges others are facing in their own stages of growing up. Be considerate, be kind, and listen to others. The golden rule still holds true. I promise you life is a lot more enjoyable when you start learning these things.
But enough for now. Do you have some growing up to do? Get to it then!
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